La Hermandad de Aztlan (BBNM)

" Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico"

My Photo
Location: Nuevo Mexico, AZTLAN, United States

Somos Los Protectores de La Fe...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico,

Wish to thank everyone for their,

Prayers for Our Brother and Friend,

Antonio "Tone" Rubio "The Heart and Soul"

de Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico,

Will Continue to pray for

Our Carnal, Amigo, y Colonel

Antonio "Tone" Rubio....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Whitten Inn Protest

"Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico",

Have Been Protesting for the Past 3 day's at

The Whitten Inn, Formerly the Paragon Inn.

Larry Whitten "Racism" is not wanted in Our State!

We will continue to Fight for Our Civil Rights!!

Prime Minister~Juanito Burns Jr.

Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Heart and Soul de Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico

To All Berets Everywhere,

Please Hold Our Brother "Antonio Rubio" in your Hearts,

He is 67 and he has had 2 Operations in the last 4 day's.

His Heart is now Pounding too Rapidly and if he can't,

Calm down he will go into Cardiac Arrest,

He is on the Cardiac Drip as we Send out this Message.

All Beret Brothers and Sisters Pray for

"The Heart and Soul de Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico"

Much Love Carnal Stay Strong,

Juanito Burns Jr. Prime Minister

Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Former Minister of Intelligence

Former Minister of Intelligence Jerome Gallegos,
Has decided to Resign from "Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico".
He is moving on with his career as a Counselor.
We Sincerly wish him the best in his commitment to
help the People in his chosen Profession.
He is no longer a "Brown Beret" and at this time
he will have no more dealings with ANY Brown Berets
as Stated before he is going on with his life and he
is no longer affiliated w/any Brown Beret Doings.

Buena Suerte con todo, and thank you for all your Hard-Work.

Juanito Burns Jr. Prime Minister~
~Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico~

Colonel Antonio Rubio Los Brown Berets

Recieved some very Unwanted news Today on
Our Strong Brother Antonio, He will under go another
Surgery Tonight. I'm asking for all Berets to Say a Prayer
and wish the Family Strength. Our Hearts all go out to
La Familia Rubio in this time of GREAT NEED.
Much Love and Respect,

Juanito Burns Jr. Prime Minister
Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico

Monday, August 17, 2009

I would really like to thank our

Bernalillo County Brothers and Sisters

for all the Great Assistance in

Our "School Supply Fundraiser

" We couldn't have done it without you.

We had a Very Successful Fundraiser

that I believe our Taos Children
will Benefit from all the Hard work.
Prime Minister
Juanito Burns Jr.