La Hermandad de Aztlan (BBNM)

" Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico"

My Photo
Location: Nuevo Mexico, AZTLAN, United States

Somos Los Protectores de La Fe...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Toda Via estamos Peleando en La Guerra de Racisimo

Toda via estamos Peleando con Racisismo,
Tambien Nuestro Carnal Tone "EL Colonel"
will be getting Operated on.
Yo Ruego que Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe
van ayudarlo Por el es,
"La Alma y El Corazon de Nuestro Grupo"!!!!

~Juanito Burns Jr.~ Prime Minister~
~Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico~

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Still Defending Chicano Rights in Taos at The Whitten Inn

We are still Fighting the Supremicist
at the Whitten Inn.
We are Still Defending
Our/Your Chicano Rights ......
Juanito Burns Jr. ~ Prime Minister
Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Protest Today is for Nuestro Carnal Tone Rubio

Los Brown Berets
de Nuevo Mexico,
Are still Fighting the Whitten
"White House" Inn.
Today We are Protesting in
Honor Of Our Carnal
Because he can't be with us,
But He is Fighting
With us in Spirit.
Juanito Burns Jr.~Prime Minister
Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico

Monday, September 7, 2009

Racist Owner Slanders The LULAC Organization

White Supremacist Owner
Larry "Lorenzo" Whitten of the Whitten Inn in Taos, N.M. decided to Slander the
LULAC Organization with the Massage on their
Marquee that reads "LULAC Group calls
Owner White Nig , Now who is the Racist."

~Prime Minister~Juanito Burns Jr.~
~Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico~

Friday, September 4, 2009

Todavia Estamos Peleando por tus Derechos!!

Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico,
Are still Protesting the Unapologetic
White Supremicist Owner of The Whitten Inn.
We stay as Long as it takes to get the only
Favorable Decision.
Stay Strong RAZA we will get Through this!!
Prime Minister~Juanito Burns Jr.
Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico
"La Voz del Movimiento"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Los Brown Berets de Nuevo Mexico,

We are on it again, for about 3 weeks now,

We are still Fighting the Racism at the Whitten Inn.

Stay Strong Carnales y Carnalas

We will Continue to Stand Tall for our Gente!!!